Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tired Ramblings from a Tired Mind

I know I’ve been quiet lately; so much on my mind and so much going on. I think “There’s a topic!” only to have the whole thing in my head swept away as something else is plopped on my plate. In a nutshell…
  • The most significant thing to happen to me in the last post is seeing my almost-sixteen year old niece for the first time in almost twelve years. She is the only granddaughter in this family, and if we had been allowed, we would have spoiled the girl rotten. I would have recognized her anywhere, because except for the obvious maturing process, her face has not changed a bit. The smiling eyes, the beaming smile… the only difference being that her hair has become almost as dark as her mother’s. Bright, brilliant and beautiful. I loved her when she was little and I love her now, this sprite. One of the last things she said was, “I don’t understand why it took eleven years…” I don’t either, babe. I really don’t. Not my doing or yours.
  • Her brother is starting college next month. It doesn’t seem possible that I was there when he was born eighteen Julys ago, but here we are. He’s going for engineering. My God. It makes me feel old, except that I was only sixteen when he was born. So, I am not THAT old.
  • I really really really really really really REALLY want to go to a Dallas Cowboys game in Dallas. I’ve been a Dallas fan since I was tiny, and used to go when they’d come and play the Cards here in Phoenix… but that experience sucks and I’d rather not give any of my money to the Bidwells. It would probably be towards October or November, providing the money is free… but what fun that would be! Unfortunately, tickets are astronomical. We’ll see. And besides, I find it interesting that Big Mouth Owens has been quiet as a church mouse lately. I fainted when he did sign with the Cowboys… can Parcells curb his monster ego and motor mouth? Time will tell. In any case…. GO BOYS!!!
  • Now that I’ve gained kind of a bird’s eye view of our legal system from my fledgling career as a legal secretary, I can honestly say it’s massively screwed up. Due to confidentiality rules I can’t really say what particular matter I’m thinking of, but I can say that one can sue someone NOT AT FAULT in an incident and drive said defendants into bankruptcy. Pardon the language, but that is BULLSHIT. No wonder the costs of everything are going up.
  • The rain of crap never ends. Once poor Mom died, and all the upheaval subsided, I thought that maybe things can be quiet for awhile. NOPE. Dad not only has developed early macular degeneration, but if he doesn’t start taking care of himself, will wind up doing dialysis in a couple of years. My #2 brother is having some health problems as well. Pray that these things remain minor. …please, God…
  • TJ has a new job. Sounds good so far.
  • In SFO news, I am being pushed to select a mentor. It’s hard. How do you pick when you see some of these people only once a month? The ones I would pick have some big things going on, so I don’t want to add to their chaos. I shall have to really reflect on that.
  • Friends from the sponsoring fraternity have really pushed the charismatic end of things on me lately… come join us, or take this book, or we are to gather and share on Eliza… and because Father Evan is no fool, and because I know several dear friends involved with this, I’m inclined to give this movement the benefit of the doubt. That, however, slowly erodes when one of those dear friends, who is a “believer,” sends me an e-mail saying, “As you already know there is a group of diciples [sic] going to see… ” Tell me, which word bothers you like it did me? Not so much that it’s spelled wrong, but it’s the usage of the word. Disciple. It really bothers me.
  • The monsoon season started this week with a nice long rain. More, please.

    I’m going to stop here. I am having problems sleeping and I’m actually going to bed at a decent hour tonight—maybe not to sleep, but to rest.

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