Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's already the first Sunday in advent.

Are you ready?

Thanks to Curt Jester...

Where has the time gone? I have a couple of posts sitting in limbo that I haven't posted. I haven't been terribly proficient lately, and I have no excuse. In fact, I need to do some studying for the joint meeting between the St Francis & St Clare Fraternities.

It's been very trying; drop-kicked from my temp assignment, a stressful Thanksgiving, and my Mom's sinking again. The latter is very disconcerting--the doctor is down to the big nasty prescriptions that he gives out only as a last resort. Isn't it a terrible thing when you have a long goodbye situation?

My sister just called, and asked that I start doing research on Catholic burial sites and gather info on arrangements. That's how I want to start the Christmas season: calling the diocesan cemetery folks and talk about *that.*

Lord help me.
Also, RIP to Ruby, my sister's retriever. She was such a good girl. Sleep peacefully, Rubers.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thoughts and a Thankful Reflection.



Well, I can't believe that a month has passed since I've posted. It was twenty (or so) weekdays of 12 hour days, at the end of the last one I found out I was drop-kicked at nine in the evening, which didn't endear the law firm to me with the passive aggressive stunt.

Just as well.

It gave me time to prepare for the descent of my sister, BIL, and Hellboy. It was an OK weekend. Wasn't bad, but I'm sure hankering for that move to the mid-Atlantic states.

I'm thinking of merging blogs. I like the layout & toys on this better.

I'm thankful for a merciful God.

I'm thankful for life--what a wonderful world we live in.

I'm thankful for the incredible blessing that is my husband. I'm still not sure after almost four years of marriage how or why it was *me* he chose, and it's very humbling.

I'm thankful for parents who cared enough to be my parents first and my friends later.

I'm thankful for this country that allows me to worship in the Roman Catholic Church without having to worry about being stoned, persecuted, or ostracized.

So much to be thankful for.

Thank You, God.