Sunday, September 25, 2005

Monthly Reflections for October 2nd Session

One of the questions guaranteed to be asked is "What has happened in the last month?" as part of our discernment period.

So much has happened since the last inquiry session that it's all a blur. I can say that as my mother was in the ICU that I prayed a lot... let's just say that St Anthony has been busy fielding requests. Let's also say that I did find a chain for my San Damiano cross and I wear it every day. I'm finding an identity in this time.

In the printout of the Session One out of Come and See, it says, "Our way of life requires a person to be a good, practicing Catholic. The Rule requires us to receive the sacraments regularly. If you would not be able to do so, it would be impossible for you to keep the Rule..."

I had to chuckle. A good practicing Catholic does receive the sacraments regularly; it's pretty much the definition of "good Catholic"!! You can't be one without receiving. Isn't it hilarious that it has to be spelled out?

Another thing is deciding where the SFO belongs in one's priorities... whether involvement in other groups makes it impossible to attend SFO meetings, or deciding to make the SFO first. Well, for me it's a no-brainer. I think I'll already have to sacrifice Catechism as my work schedule is not helpful, but serving as an EMHC for me is complementary.

Another quote from Come and See: "Secular Franciscans find ways and means of enriching their understanding and practice of the scriptural word." This is exactly why I'm heading into the fray, to gather more knowledge and make it practicable.

Here I come...

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