Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to the Son of David

"Then the people cried out before Jesus, in whom they saw he who comes in the name of the Lord. In fact, the expression: 'He who comes in the name of the Lord,' had become the way to designate the Messiah. In Jesus they recognize him who truly comes in the name of the Lord and brings God's presence among them. This cry of hope of Israel, this acclamation to Jesus during his entry into Jerusalem, has with reason become in the Church the acclamation of him, in the Eucharist, who always comes among us in the name of the Lord, uniting the ends of the earth in the peace of God. Given that the Lord is coming, we come out of our exclusivist realities and become part of the great community of all who celebrate this holy sacrament. We enter into his kingdom of peace and acclaim in him, in a certain sense, our brothers and sisters, for whom he comes to create a kingdom of peace in this lacerated world. "

Benedict XVI, Palm Sunday 2006

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