Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Early Birthday To Me!

Da Beahs are in the Super Bowl! It will be the first Super Bowl I will be interested in since the 'Boys last appearance. Da Beahs have always been my default team. 21 years since Ditka and the Super Bowl Shuffle was all the rage--I was in eighth grade.

Gadzooks... now I feel old.

*dances happily*

1 comment:

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

You are NOT old if only 20 years ago you were in 8th grade....I'm approaching my 20th COLLEGE GRADUATION anniversary here....

Congrats on your favorite football team's victory! For some reason, though I am completely clueless on matters of sports, I knew Mike Ditka's name when it counted--during my appearance on Jeopardy!