Are you ready?

Thanks to Curt Jester...
Where has the time gone? I have a couple of posts sitting in limbo that I haven't posted. I haven't been terribly proficient lately, and I have no excuse. In fact, I need to do some studying for the joint meeting between the St Francis & St Clare Fraternities.
It's been very trying; drop-kicked from my temp assignment, a stressful Thanksgiving, and my Mom's sinking again. The latter is very disconcerting--the doctor is down to the big nasty prescriptions that he gives out only as a last resort. Isn't it a terrible thing when you have a long goodbye situation?
My sister just called, and asked that I start doing research on Catholic burial sites and gather info on arrangements. That's how I want to start the Christmas season: calling the diocesan cemetery folks and talk about *that.*
Lord help me.
Also, RIP to Ruby, my sister's retriever. She was such a good girl. Sleep peacefully, Rubers.